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Savannah NWR 1-18-03

This is from Sharon Brown, who reads on-line (but does not subscribe):

In a day of great light & excellent birding Saturday, Ann Watson & I saw two
seasonal rarities at Savannah NWR. On the second straightaway after the FCC
'nose cone' was a Least Bittern, working the ditch on the left side of the
road. I got several good photos of this bird, the first I've ever seen in

In the entrance parking lot, working between the bushes behind and to the
left of the kiosk, was an adult female Hooded Warbler, seemingly in good
health & plumage! The bird was observed well through binoculars by the two
of us and by 3 birders from Georgia, but there was no way I could have
gotten a photo, as she was very active. I believe this is about midway
between the latest and earliest sightings I have previously had for this

Sharon Brown
South Carolina