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Re: not a hummer = Baltimore Oriole

Well, Gary, now that you mention it -

My grandmother, Virgil Baker, passed away at an age of nearly 99 years on
January 6th.  She lived a good life - she lived at her own home, by
herself, with a minimum of help when she died.

As best as I can remember she has had Baltimore Orioles at her feeder every
winter since 1972, and this was in downtown Conway on Elm Street - not too
far from your own feeders.

Over this last Christmas, Ma enjoyed how we counted 7 orioles at once, even
though she could no longer see well enough to identify them on her own.
But, even then, she maintained that she could tell an oriole by how it
behaved.  If I recall correctly, we counted over 2 dozen orioles at one
time there a few years ago.

She had an especially good feeder - one where over the years I have also
observed a Cape May Warbler lingering for weeks through a February, an
Orange-crowned Warbler, Painted Buntings, and other birds I'd have to think
about to remember. You could sit at her dining room table and see the whole
crowd feed at at distance of about 3 feet.  It was in that kitchen that I
learned "birding," though we never called it that.

Anyway, it's already getting more difficult to keep Ma's feeder filled, so
I do hope you've inherited an oriole from my granmother, Gary.

Good luck with 'em,
Steve Thomas

>anybody missing a male Baltimore Oriole? today's snowstorm brought one to
>one of my long-neglected hummer feeders. not a hummer, but he shore is
>so if you're missing one...well, that's too bad, 'cuz i ain't sending him
>stay warm, y'all...
>gary phillips
>conway, sc

Stephen Thomas
Aynor, SC