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RE: Cats vs. Birdfeeders

Bill & company,

I can't see how there could be a clear-cut, simple answer as to whether
feeding is beneficial vs. harmful to birds. I can see where supplemental
food provisions could prevent starvation when birds are confronted with
extreme cold or heavy snows. Its also pretty apparent that feeding can
concentrate birds and facilitate disease transmission. Poorly maintained
feeders can build up mold and "crud" in the trough or basin that is likely

The inclusion of a little thought and common sense applies to about anything
and bird feeding is no different. For instance, if you're going to start
feeding in the fall and continue into the winter, don't abruptly stop
provisioning in mid-January. By that point birds will have developed a
dependence on a local food source and their foraging behavior for that
period will likely have been heavily impacted by artificial food provision.

Bottom line...there are too many variables to consider in any given
situation to declare artificial food provisioning as ultimately detrimental
or beneficial to birds. 

Speaking of feeding birds, my latest volley fired at the Sciurid feeder
visitors is a simple metal slinky. I delightfully watched from only 3 feet
away, inside a museum window as the first bushy-tailed contestant scampered
up the feeder pole and attempted to climb the portion covered by the slinky.
At how confused he must have felt when he sagged his way down to the ground
:). Ultimately, I like most folks, may never defeat Sciurus
permanently...but it sure is fun to try!

Eric Harrold
Charlotte, NC   

In the 26 Jan 2003 edition of The Charlotte Observer, Sally 
Kneidel--identified as a member of Mecklenburg Audubon Society--is 
reported as saying she will be taking down her birdfeeders at the end 
of cold weather, in part to discourage cat predation and in part 
because "new research shows birds do not benefit by being fed by 

Does anyone know the actual citations for such research?