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Barred Owls in Charlotte?

We're gearing up for another breeding season in our study of the Charlotte Barred Owl population. Eric Harrold has almost finished the first draft of his thesis on home range size, and comparisons of prey and nesting habitat between suburban and country-nesting birds (you can see some of his results on Carolina Raptor Center's Website (http://www.birdsofprey.org -> research -> Barred Owls in suburban habitats). My next two students will follow up on Eric's work, comparing breeding success and juvenile survival and dispersal between the country and city birds and habitat use and home range comparisons between breeding and non-breeding seasons.
If any c-birders know of a pair of owls (they should be calling quite a bit now as egg-laying is just a few weeks away), please let me know.


Rob Bierregaard
Biology Dept.
704 333 2405