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Just have to share with someone who understands--Red Bellies fighting
with Hairy while Downeys (4) hang on the trees hoping they are not seen
by the irrate Red Bellies. (Red Bellies think they OWN the suet feeder).
Meanwhile 5 Bluebirds are crowding on the 8 X 10 peanut butter side of
the suet feeder and 3 are perched nearby and fly in to chase off their
companions.  Mr. Woody (Pileated) flys in and makes himself heard.  When
he sees me he takes off.  He knows he eats too much of the suet cake on
the other side of the suet feeder and I limit his time there--He and his
2 other family members!  Juncoes, wrens, towhees, goldfinches, song
sparrows, cardinals, chickadees, titmice, and nuthatches are oblivious
to all the woodpecker goings on and are happily skipping all over
finding blown seed from feeders.  The Peewee has a little to say from a
perch in the woods and I go back to vacuuming (ugh!) with a smile on my
face.  They make my day!!

Bev Hudson
Hendersonville, NC