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Charleston Venture Trip report

Our recent (January 24-27) Ventures weekend in Charleston, SC was cold!!
Aside from that we had an excellent time and certainly enjoyed eating our
way around the low country! However, it was a shame to see birds in such
dire shape. Several semi-tender passerines were very confiding indicating
very hungry birds and we ended up being within feet of Savannah Sparrow,
American Pipit and Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Also the pipits were feeding in the
median of several of the main highways and several were being hit by
traffic. We hit many of the typical Charleston area hotspots, inc. Magnolia
Gardens, Santee Coastal reserve and Bear Island WMA.

Highlights were as follows:
Least Bittern (1), Sora (1), Orange-crowned Warbler (1), Great Horned Owl
brooding on a Bald Eagle nest, Northern Gannets well offshore, huge numbers
of waterfowl, American White Pelican, Rusty Blackbird (50+), Red-cockaded
Woodpecker (5+).
For a complete list, please go to the trip reports section on the Ventures
web site.

Other Ventures on the horizon include:
April 8 -15     Prairie Chickens in the Mid West
April 22 -24 and April 29 - May 1    Warblers and more at Snowbird Lodge
May 7-14    Spring migration in Greece

Of course, there is much more too! Contact me for more information or check
out the Ventures web site below.
Here's to warm weather and spring!!

Simon Thompson
Ventures Birding and Nature Tours
PO Box 1095
Skyland, NC 28776
Phone: 828.253.4247