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Western Tanager

Hi All:
Had the pleasure of taking Bob and Barbra Maxwell and Jack Peachy to Summerville to find the Tanager this morning. We arrived there just after 10:00am and got a quick glance of it right away. Then after a few minutes it flew right over our heads to the neighbors yard where we had very good views of it for a few minutes. Mrs. Hale was a gracious hostess telling about how long it has been there and how often it comes to the feeder,also telling about other birds she gets in the yard. However she is not a member of either Audubon
or CBC,she would be a good asset if we could recuite her. If you visit talk to her about both.
Barbra was looking very good, very weak and tired though. She is still on Kemo. She still has a great spirt and wonderful attitude and outlook on life. It was a joy being with them today.
Van Atkins
Charleston SC.