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Dairlyland Rd (NC) update (no Ross')


This afternoon (Monday), Shelly T., Jill F., and I searched Dairyland Rd.
(outside Chapel Hill, NC) for the Ross' Goose and the L. Longspurs.

We did NOT find the ROSS' GOOSE, but there's lots of fields and ponds in
the  few square miles surrounding the area, so it could easily still be
around.  The private pond held about 75 Canadas, 1 Ring-necked Duck, 1
Wood Duck, and 2 Mallards.

We MAY have heard the longspur(s) with the pipit flock at Anilorac Farm
in the "Dickcissel Field", however much scoping of the flock at fairly
close range did not yield a visual.

Good birding,


Jeffrey S. Pippen
Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences
Rm 139 Biological Sciences Bldg, Biology Department Box 90338
Duke University, Durham, NC  27708
PH: (919) 660-7278			<jspippen@duke.edu>