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Jordan and Falls closings

	I have sent an apology to the staff at Jordan and Falls lakes for my
strongly worded comments a week ago about the closing of most of the
recreation areas at those two lakes. After getting a warning notice and
a talking to by a ranger at the Seaforth area at Jordan for illegal
parking and entry, I was in a very bad mood (as Seaforth and many such
sites are normally open in the winter).

I apologize also to readers of carolinabirds. Much or most of Jordan and
Falls lakes still remain closed to all entry, due to ice storm damage.
As I found out a week ago, a closed gate doesn't mean you can park
outside and walk in. (Normally, Parks puts out special signs about the
closure -- Area Closed Due to Ice Damage -- or something similar, and
puts them on or next to the gates, but no such signs were on the gate at
Seaforth). Thus, I thought it was OK to walk in past the closed gate.). 

I appreciate the Falls staff getting the NC 50 boat launch area opened
last weekend, as that provided a great view of all the waterfowl at the
southern end of Beaverdam Reservoir.
Harry LeGrand
NC Natural Heritage Program
1615 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
(919) 715-8687 (work)
FAX: 919-715-3085
e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net