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still more on the Raleigh Long-eared owl

I want to alert birders in Raleigh about a great opportunity to learn more about the injured Long-eared Owl recently found here. Raleigh Community Television aired a program last night with guest Steve Stone from the American Wildlife Refuge (mentioned in Will Cook's Jan. 22 post), and it featured a short but detailed documentary Steve has made about the bird with some very impressive footage. Several birds from the Refuge?s Permanently Injured Raptor Center were also displayed live in the TV studio. The show is called ?Monday Night Alive? and will be re-broadcast by CTV (Raleigh cable channel 10)on Thursday morning from 12:00 midnight to 1:00 AM and Sunday from 4:00 to 5:00 PM.

Sorry that this program is only accessible in Raleigh, but anyone can check out the American Wildlife Refuge home page at http://www.americanwildliferefuge.org/

Dave Murdock dhmurdock@hotmail.com

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