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Grosbeak still present

Today, Tues Feb 18, Rich & Susan Boyd & myself made the trek up
to Eliz City, NC and saw the black-headed grosbeak.  We arrived 
before 8 am and the bird appeared at 9:20 am.  Mrs Remaley said
the bird had visited the feeder at 7 am this morning.  She said
the bird has settled in a little more recently and comes more 
frequently in the morning--often showing up about every hour or so.

The bird hung around for only 3-4 minutes, finally picking a few seeds, 
then left.  Mrs Remaley said this was typical.  The longest visit she
has recorded was around 15 minutes a few days ago.  We didn't hang 
around after the 9:20 visit this morning, so we can't speak as to
its possible repeat visits today.

We'd remind visitors to remain fairly quiet while the bird is
present--its hard to tell if he's still a little spooky or not.
Great bird and a gracious host!


Wade Fuller
New Bern, NC