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Re: GBBC accuracy (or lack thereof)

Carolina birders (including naysayers)-

Thank you for the discussion about the GBBC (and CBC). We are always interested in feedback, and always willing to provide comments on that feedback. It's clear from the many posts on the subject that the majority understand why we developed this count, so I won't address each individual point. We are in the process of building a database of bird distribution and abundance over time and are pleased with results after only six years. In this way, the GBBC will be able to contribute to other databases that have already proven valuable (CBC, Project FeederWatch, Breeding Bird Survey). The team involved include world-class, widely published scientists and birders. We are well aware of the limitations of the data, but also of there importance. We have worked hard to make sure the web site has high educational value and that the experience is an enjoyable one. Most of you said that you enjoy participating, for a number of reasons. In part, you have yourselves to thank, because we truly appreciate your input and work hard to incorporate what we can given limited time and resources.

So, thank you all for this discussion, and for participating!

Allison Wells
Cornell Lab of Ornithology