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Re: spring...wait a minute, it's still Feb.

I've been told that Mourning Doves have been known to breed in every month of the year in the Carolinas. Gary seems to have confirmed February. Is it any wonder that MODOs are as common and widespread as they are?


At 06:43 PM 02/20/2003 -0500, you wrote:
hi y'all,

found the halves of a Mourning Dove eggshell in the yard here this morning.



gary phillips
conway, sc
sunset zone 31

"...where is the person, I ask, who, on observing this glittering fragment
of the rainbow, would not pause, admire, and turn his mind with
reverence..." (J.J. Audubon)

*********************************************************** Norman Budnitz, nbudnitz@duke.edu 919-684-3592 (day), 919-383-0553 (eve), 919-660-7293 (fax)

(work) Biology Dept, Duke Univ, Box 90338, Durham NC 27708
(home) 4115 Garrett Drive, Durham NC 27705

PROGRESS: the victory of laughter over dogma.
(Tom Robbins, Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas)