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RE: Cedar Waxwings

Regarding waxwing invasions, I can say that here on the East Carolina
University campus, the waxwings have indeed descended.  Every year around
this time, they seem to lose their fear of humans, flocking in great numbers
abound campus buildings to devour the berries of various landscape shrubs.
Although I'm not certain what accounts for this behavior, I presume it is to
'fuel-up' for their northward migration.  At any rate, over the past few
days, dozens at a time have congregated in certain bushes, usually at
eye-level, seemingly oblivious to humans approaching to within a few feet.
Usually, after feeding in a frenzy for a minute or so, something spooks them
and they fly off en mass with an audible *whoosh*, only to return seconds
later, a few at a time, until the bush is again swarming with waxwings.
Quite a treat!

Jeff Popke
Greenville, NC

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Vankevich [mailto:pvank@netacc.net]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 9:31 PM
To: carolinabirds@duke.edu
Subject: Ocracoke: Razorbills, Gannets & Cedar Waxwings

Are other areas of the Carolinas experiencing a waxwing invasion?
Peter Vankevich
Washington, DC