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Re: Wilson's Warbler in Simpsonville

A Wilson's Warbler was reported from Pendleton, SC on Jan 27 2000 by four observers (Chat 64,No 3). This is even further west than Simpsonville.

There are at least 8 other winter (Dec 21-Mar 21) reports of this species from SC, 6 of which occurred in counties adjacent to the immediate coast, and 2 in the Coastal Plain (approximately).

There have been at least 49 reports of this species from SC in the last 49 years --- 29 were in counties adjacent to the immediate coast.

Oddly, the highest count of this species in SC I can find is 3 --- also from the winter!!! --- Jan 25 1981 at Santee NWR!

I don't have access to ALL occurrences of Wilson's Warblers in SC. There may be reports in the Christmas Bird Count database that are even more impressive.

On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 08:39 PM, Bpworthing@aol.com wrote:

This morning I had a female Wilson's Warbler investigating the suet feeder
for several minutes, in company to a Tufted Titmouse. This was quite a
surprise since the Wilson's is rare even in Fall and Spring, and I believe
this may be a first Winter record for the Upstate.

Russ Tyndall Wake Forest, NC fitzbew@redshanksoftware.com