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Ordinary Stuff

For the past month we have had orioles, first one for a week, then two etc. eating our home made suet. The suet ran out one day and before we could get new made the birds were picking around the feeders. I put out an orange slice, cut across the core and split open so I could slip it over a feeder wire. Within 10 minutes an oriole, and with a few more slices a total for sure of 5. Two males, two females and an imm. male. The latter is the most frequent visitor. They would eat an orange a day if I put them out.
In general birds prefer our peanut butter suet 4 to one over the best purchased suet. Next best numerous bird is the Pine Warbler, half a dozen or so.
This evening when I was finishing up about 6:00 PM I saw a C. wren go into a box under the eaves. Is she roosting or nesting?
Ernest Snavely, Loris, SC snavely4@sccoast.net