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Hey folks-
  I am an amateur at birding and have just recently gotten started with
learning songs and calls. On my walk to school this morning i heard a
bird that sounded for all the world like a thrush; that metallic
flute-like reverberation being very distinctive. The call itself was two
short notes (not flute-like) followed by a longer, more musical note. I
thought towhee at first, but the flutey quality soon convinved me it was
not that. I am guessing either Hermit or Wood Thursh, though i am not
familiar with typical distributions this time of year (which is the
appropriate map - CBC or BBS?). I am in Raleigh just north of the NC
State campus and the bird was heard in a hedge along a neighbor's
driveway... any help on what it might be? Please respond off the list...

Thanks in advance,
Dave Hewitt
Raleigh, NC
Dave Hewitt
North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Zoology Department
Campus Box 7617
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC  27695
email: dave_hewitt@ncsu.edu