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Cowbirds, Blackbirds, woodpecker

Hey folks-
  First, thanks to everyone that responded to me about the "thrush" that
i heard. After hearing the opinions of all the pro's it doesnt seem
terribly likely that it was a thrush at all, but maybe a robin or blue
jay making an unusual call. If it was a thrush, it would have been a
  Our feeders were busy this morning when i awoke... we had a mixed
'flock' (10-12) of red-winged blackbirds and cowbirds when i first
checked in. I didnt know that those species would travel together so
tightly, but they sure seemed to move as a single unit. They didnt stay
long (shoo! cowbirds) and i didnt get a good count, but was neat to see
the first r-w blackbirds we have had at our house.
  Was also treated to a red-bellied woodpecker who showed up for a bit
and then took off. I only see that bugger when i get up earlier than
usual... it seems to disappear by the time the others all go to work. To
our dismay, it doesnt like the suet, just the regular feed. The suet
only seems to attract the wrens and butter-butts.

Dave Hewitt
Raleigh, NC
Dave Hewitt
North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Zoology Department
Campus Box 7617
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC  27695
email: dave_hewitt@ncsu.edu