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Recent SE South Carolina (Low Country) Birds

Birds observed at Hilton Head Island (Burke's Beach), Pinckney Island NWR,
and Savannah NWR (Laurel Hill Wildlife Drive) from March 2 thru March 5,
2003.  Weather was dismal for the most part, but birds didn't seem to care,
and I had a slicker.  Most surprising was the lack of variety of waterfowl
at the Savannah NWR - nearly all (very many) R-necked dux and a few Blue-w
Teal in among the Coots and Moorhens.

The Am. Pipit on Burke's Beach was a nice surprise.

             Pied-billed Grebe
             Double-crested Cormorant
             Brown Pelican
             Wood Duck
             Blue-winged Teal
             Ring-necked Duck
             Hooded Merganser
             Tricolored Heron
             Little Blue Heron
             Snowy Egret
             Great Blue Heron
             Great Egret
             Cattle Egret
             Green Heron
             White Ibis
             Northern Harrier
             Cooper's Hawk
             Red-shouldered Hawk
             Red-tailed Hawk
             American Kestrel
             King Rail
             Common Moorhen
             American Coot
             Marbled Godwit
             Ruddy Turnstone
             Short-billed Dowitcher
             Least Sandpiper
             Pectoral Sandpiper
             American Oystercatcher
             Black-bellied Plover
             Ring-billed Gull
             Laughing Gull
             Forster's Tern
             Black Skimmer
             Mourning Dove
             Belted Kingfisher
             Red-bellied Woodpecker
             Downy Woodpecker
             Northern Flicker
             Eastern Phoebe
             Great Crested Flycatcher
             American Crow
             Cedar Waxwing
             Eastern Bluebird
             Wood Thrush
             American Robin
             Gray Catbird
             Northern Mockingbird
             European Starling
             Carolina Wren
             Tree Swallow
             Ruby-crowned Kinglet
             Golden-crowned Kinglet
             Carolina Chickadee
             Tufted Titmouse
             American Pipit
             Yellow-rumped Warbler
             Pine Warbler
             Palm Warbler
             Common Yellowthroat
             Song Sparrow
             Swamp Sparrow
             White-throated Sparrow
             Eastern Towhee
             Northern Cardinal
             Painted Bunting (female only)
             Red-winged Blackbird
             Eastern Meadowlark
             Boat-tailed Grackle

Tomm "Beholder" Lorenzin
Mooresville (Lake Norman), NC


"Beauty" doesn't necessarily involve "pretty."

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