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HBSP on 3-16

Hi Carolinabirders,
This morning I went to Huntington Beach State Park to look for the
Razorbill but while on the jetty for about an hour I had no luck.  The
notebook in the mailbox at the north parking lot did note that it was
seen on Sunday, but did not indicate the time of day.  Today was very
overcast and visibility only extended a few yards beyond the buoy marker
at the end of the jetty. I had 34 species today on an overcast and foggy
day, about 55 degrees with moderate winds out of the northeast. Covered
only the jetty, jetty pond, walked back to the parking lot behind the
dunes, peeked into north end of Sandpiper Pond and went a bit down the
Sandpiper Trail from the Education Center end

Common Loon-4
Horned Grebe-11
N. Gannet-1
Brown Pelican-13
Double-crested Cormorant-3
Am. Bittern-1 flew into west side of the northern end of Sandpiper Pond
Great Blue Heron-1
Great Egret-6
Snowy Egret-3
Red-breasted Merganser-5
Am. Coot-8
Black-bellied Plover-1
Wilson's Plover-2
Piping Plover-3
Ruddy Turnstone-21
Yellow-rumped Warbler-1
Palm Warbler-1
N. Cardinal-4 singing
Savannah Sparrow-3
Boat-tailed Grackle-4

Good birding,

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC