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purple martins, et al

hi y'all,

about 5:30 this eve 6 Purple martins flew over my workplace in Georgetown
County headed due North. on the ride home, saw approx. 20 foraging over a
field ~6 mi south of Conway on Hwy 701, with several perched on a nearby
rack of gourd houses. i s'pose they're back.

a cpl of Yellow-throated warblers and several Blue-gray gnatcatchers 'round
the workplace today. still plenty of Chippies, White-throats and Juncos.
goldfinches appear to have broken camp.

saw an Am. Crow exhibiting highly suspicious behavior this afternoon, not
the least of which was allowing me to approach to ~10 ft. before he flew. i
s'pose he could have realized that i'm about as dangerous as an earthworm,
but then again...

young mr. oriole continues to hang around the yard here. bring on the
hummers. we's gots da bugs now, y'all.

speaking of bugs,  6 or so Azure sp., cpl of Cloudless Sulphur and a
Mourning Cloak in G'town Cty this afternoon.

 oh yeah, the Baldcypress hereabouts suddenly appear to be covered with
green hair.


gary phillips
conway, sc
sunset zone 31

"...where is the person, I ask, who, on observing this glittering fragment
of the rainbow, would not pause, admire, and turn his mind with
reverence..." (J.J. Audubon)