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Visiting Columbus and New Bern NC ---have some target birds

My family and I  are coming from Alaska to visit my folks at Tyron Estates
in Columbus March 22-23 and 29-31, with a stay with them at New Bern
sandwiched in between.  As the lone serious birder in the group, I would
like to find some specific birds, but will have limited opportunity to do
so.  But I would appreciate specific suggestions of where I would have the
best chance of finding Purple Sandpiper, Brown-Headed Nuthatch, Sedge Wren,
Northern Parula, any early Worm-Eating Warbler, Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed
Sparrow, or Bachman's Sparrow.

 I subscribe to Carolinabirds and have the primary NC birding books (Parks,
Coastal North Carolina, Blue Ridge), so I have a general idea of what to
look for and where to look.  If you have some specific suggestions for me
please email them to me at prentki@prodigy.net.

Dick Prentki
Anchorage, AK