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Re: Clark's Grebe -- The Wednesday Sighting - Background

On 2003/03/19 3:07 PM, "Topatneal@aol.com" <Topatneal@aol.com> wrote:

> Wednesday, March 19
> Russ & Patricia Tyndall just called and asked me to post this:
> At 2:30 p.m. they saw the Clark's Grebe from the beach access across from the
> Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum.  The museum is in Hatteras Village near the
> ferry dock. The bird was visible in a rough surf about 100 yards from the
> beach.
> Pat Moore
> Buxton, NC

Just for the record, I'd like to explain how this sighting came about:

Tricia and I had gone to the coast to see the Allen's Hummingbird in Manteo,
NC.  Afterward, we birded our way south to Cape Point, where we met a nice
couple from California who were birding their way through NC.  We mentioned
a Clark's Grebe had been seen in the area during the previous weekend.  Our
new friends from California then mentioned they had seen a Clark's/Western
Grebe the previous day near the Hatteras ferry terminal.  We went down there
and re-located the bird.  We were quite excited to discover it WAS the
Clark's Grebe.  

At least we are assuming that only one grebe is associated with all three
sightings.  About 11 miles of beach separate the Saturday and Tuesday
observation points.

The ocean was quite choppy yesterday, but we were aided by the fact that the
bird stayed relatively close to the shore (within 100 yards).  The heavy
surf didn't seem to faze it in the slightest.

At least two other local birders were able to observe it before nightfall.
Tricia and I are keeping our fingers crossed that the bird may linger at
this location so that many more folks can enjoy it.

Russ Tyndall
Wake Forest, NC