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Am. Golden-Plover at Townville (SC)

This morning I had an American Golden-Plover in basic plumage at the lower
Dobbins Farm pond in Townville (Anderson Co., SC).  In seven years of
birding this area fairly regularly, this was my first here.  It was
smaller and less bulky than the more common Black-bellied Plover, had a
more delicate black bill, and the dark cap was very distinct from the wide
white supercilium that began before the eye and swept down behind it. 
There was also a distinct cheek patch, and the back was distinctly
speckled.  The bird never flew, so I couldn't see the axillaries or the
rump; but I'm confident of the ID.

I also had three Least Sandpipers and several Yellowlegs that were spooked
by cattle before I could set up the scope to ID them.

Near Fork School Bridge I had my first singing White-eyed Vireo of the

Jim Edwards