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WNC Peregrines

The NC Wildlife Resources Commission is busy monitoring the peregrine 
falcon nesting sites that we know of here in WNC.  If anyone spots a 
peregrine or spends some time later this spring watching any of the chicks 
on the nest, I'd appreciate hearing about it.  With the reproductive 
success we've seen the past three years, there is a good chance that new 
pairs have bonded at places that we don't know about yet.  Your help is 
appreciated in gathering information and locating new sites.

For those of you interested, Devil's Courthouse along the parkway is the 
best (and easiest) spot to watch them from.  That pair is currently 
incubating, as are most of the pairs we know about.  Please remember to 
keep your distance from eyries, as too much disturbance can lead to nest 
failure.  Thanks for your help--please send the messages off listserve 
directly to me.  I'll post a summary of the peregrines' reproductive 
success in WNC in June.

Also of note: I heard and saw a Louisiana waterthrush at the Pisgah Center 
for Wildlife Education near Brevard today.  Bring on the migrants!

David Rupp
Asheville, NC
N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission