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kite, razorbill, etc.

While kayaking the White Oak River (central coast of NC, north of Swansboro) on Tuesday (in 30+ mph winds), I saw an American Swallow-tailed Kite fly overhead, following just behind a Red-shouldered Hawk. Northern Parulas were also singing their little hearts out along the river. On Wednesday, I spotted a Whimbrel, Black-belied Plovers, Dunlins, Common Terns, Oystercatchers, Sandwich Terns, and a Dowitcher while kayaking in Taylor's Creek between Carrot Island and Beaufort, NC. On Thursday, a Razorbill fed with hundreds of Bonaparte's Gulls along a tide line at Fort Macon State Park, sometimes feeding right near the beach. Wonder how long the Razorbills will continue to pass by here this spring? Didn't spot any Little Gulls with the Bonaparte's. The stiff SW wind is finally getting old.

Nate Bacheler
Morehead City, NC