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Re: Critters in Warren County, NC

			on 04-04-03, Harry wrote (in part):
>> Yellow-throated Vireo  seems a tad early<<

i thought the same thing last week when i saw one here in Georgetown Cty. 
yesterday, another appears to have returned to its breeding territory near the 
office. White-eyed are numerous here now. curiously, i haven't seen/heard a Red-
eyed Vireo yet.


>Folks:	I visited 3 sites recently acquired by the NC Wildlife Resources
> Commission in s.e. Warren Co, NC (Shocco Creek Game Land). The uplands
> are pretty much pine plantations, but the lowlands are beaver ponds and
> so-so hardwoods.
> Birds of interest:
> Yellow-throated Vireo  seems a tad early
> White-eyed Vireo
> Black-and-white Warbler (maybe nests there)
> Ovenbird  several
> Butterflies  (* new for Warren Co.)
> E. Tiger Swallowtail  30
> Black Swallowtail  1 male  *
> Falcate Orangetip  5 females  *
> Sleepy Orange  4
> azure sp. 1
> Eastern Pine Elfin  1  my first (and hopefully not my last) of the year
> Juvenal's Duskywing  15  *   (no spring field work in Warren!)
> Reptiles
> COTTONMOUTH!! When I saw it curled up on the bank of Maple Branch, I
> though that was what it was. But the lady who was sampling mussels in
> the creek got out regardless. I decided based on the Piedmont locale it
> was a Northern Water Snake. "There aren't moccasins in the Piedmont up
> here", I said. After prodding the snake downstream so she could continue
> her work, we went on our way. After checking references at home, lo and
> behold -- a Cottonmouth it was (there are several records from Warren
> County). Good thing we played it safe! But, she may think twice about
> going into Warren County creeks!
> Mussels
> Dwarf Wedgemussel  Fed. Endangered  quite a few
> Thus, it was a very memorable day, even more so after checking reference
> books at home. Can't be too careful with snakes in the water!
> --
> Harry LeGrand
> NC Natural Heritage Program
> DENR   Office of Conservation and Community Affairs
> 1615 MSC
> Raleigh, NC 27699-1615
> (919) 715-8687 (work)
> FAX: 919-715-3085
> e-mail: harry.legrand@ncmail.net