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Re: Lake/Car birds

I live just off Jones Ferry ca 1 mi beyond the lake. I heard Fish Crow
early this week..a new "yard bird"

-- Helmut C Mueller

409 Moonridge Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Phone: 919-942-4937

Permanent email address: hmueller@email.unc.edu

> From: "Armstrong, Craig" <CArmstrong@PerformanceInc.com>
> Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2003 13:27:22 -0500
> To: "'carolinabirds@duke.edu'" <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
> Subject: Lake/Car birds
> There are Cormorants at University lake, often perched on a snag sticking
> out of the water off the western side of the Jones Ferry bridge.
> Northern Parula's singing at my house too, finally positively ID'ed their
> song, I'm yet to get a good look at one there though.  I did get a good look
> at a HUGE Red-Tailed hawk today soaring sooo slowly over my car while
> sitting at a redlight.  Ah to have the vision and wisdom of such a beautiful
> bird, wonderful gifts they're given.
> Had another exciting car sighting the other day too.  What I can only guess
> was a Fish Crow was hot on the tail of an American Crow (or maybe male on
> the tail of a female, are the genders roughly the same size for American
> Crows?).  They were flying about 30 feet up straight down the road right at
> me, the larger bird in front did a beautiful barrel roll and took a nip at
> the trailing one mid-roll, it was an awesome move.
> The changing of another season, so much energy out there this time of year,
> I'm loving it!  Happy birding over the weekend.
> Craig Armstrong / Chapel Hill