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botanist sought???

I'll be taking local Audubon folks to visit the campus B. Owl family on SAT., MAY 31,
and then birding through Coker Arboretum and Battle Park --- IÕd like to have a botany afficionado
along to point out plant highlights along the way (esp. in Battle Pk.) -- P.Coin may
serve that capacity if he makes it for the walk, but if anyone else is interested in specifically
volunteering for that role (esp. if you know B.P. habitat well) let me know and I can send
along more details.
(as best I can't tell, owlet(s) hatched out about 10 days ago and will leave
nesthole by mid-May if all goes well).


**Rob Gluck......... Chapel Hill,NC......... thrush@hotmail.com

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