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Spring along the Blue Ridge Parkway, NC

Our first Spring Venture was along the Blue Ridge Parkway north of
Asheville, NC. While the weather was absolutely beautiful, the birding up at
the middle to higher elevations was fairly quiet for the most part. It's
really still winter above 3000'!! But all of the birds seen were seen well,
as there are no leaves yet!!

Highlights included:
Osprey    1 heading north
Broad-winged Hawk     At least 5
Northern Rough-winged Swallow    1 flying over at 3500'
Red-eyed, Yellow-throated and Blue-headed Vireos
Blackburnian Warbler    10+    Outstanding views!
Worm-eating Warbler    2 seen and at least 3 others heard
Ovenbird    Scope views of a very obliging individual. Many heard
Hooded Warbler    5+
Scarlet Tanager    1 heard
And last, but not least............a stunning male Cerulean Warbler that
gave us outstanding views in the full sunshine! Definitely worth the trip!

Due to demand, we are running another BRP Venture tomorrow, Easter Sunday.
There are still a couple of spaces open. For more information contact the
Ventures office. Also only a very few spaces still left on our Stecoah Gap
Warbler Ventures on April 26 and 28.

Simon Thompson
Ventures Birding and Nature Tours
PO Box 1095
Skyland, NC 28776
Phone: 828.253.4247