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birders needed for conservation projects

Greetings, Carolinabirders-

I'm hoping some of you can help with a couple of conservation projects. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is looking for volunteer birders and professional biologists to participate in Birds in Forested Landscapes and/or the Golden-winged Warbler Atlas Project. Both projects are a good way to gain in-the-field experience, and the projects can be easily combined with current research. Please email me privately if you can help out. Here's a little about each project:

Birds in Forested Landscapes (BFL)
BFL is working to determine the effects of forest fragmentation on North American forest birds. Participants choose BFL species that breed locally (48 species throughout NA) and select (a) study site(s) in fragments or contiguous forest. They visit the site(s) twice during the breeding season, look for evidence of breeding, and record habitat characteristics. Participants receive a research kit and CD to use in the field for playback. Results from BFL are being used to develop conservation and management guidelines for sustaining healthy populations of these species (past results have been published as "A Land Manager's Guide to Improving Habitat for Scarlet Tanagers and Other Forest-Interior Birds.") For more information, visit www.birds.cornell.edu/bfl

Golden-winged Warbler Atlas Project (GOWAP)
Participants in this project survey and conduct point counts at known and potential breeding site of golden-wings throughout their range. The goal is to determine the
population status and habitat and area requirements of golden-wings, blue-wings, and their hybrids. The Population Survey protocol involves surveying known/potential breeding sites (chosen by the participant) to determine numbers of breeding birds, population status, and habitat characteristics. For the Hybrid Index, participants choose pages from their state's Delorme Atlas and conduct a series of 10-minute point counts in suitable habitat using playback and visual ID. (NOTE: some funding is
available in some regions to pay field assistants who can work extensively on the Hybrid Index in N & SC.) For more info about GOWAP, www.birds.cornell.edu/gowap

Allison Wells
Cornell Lab of Ornithology