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Graham County, NC Warbler Update

I have had the privilege of staying up at Snowbird Lodge, near Robbinsville,
NC for the past few days and have spent several days around the local area,
inc. Stecoah Gap and other spots. Spring is well underway in the mountains.
Today alone we had 16 species of warbler!!! Total for the past 4 days stands
at 21 spp.
Highlights so far include the following:
Great Crested Flycatcher    1
Wood Thrush    2
All 4 regularly-occuring vireos in good numbers
Here goes with the warblers...........Golden-wing (10+), Magnolia (1),
Blackpoll (1), Palm (5), Cerulean (2), Kentucky (1), YBChat (1), Prairie (1)
"Loads" of the regulars, inc. Chestnuts, B-&-Whites, Ovenbirds, Redstarts,
BTBlues, BTGreens, Blackburnian, Parula, Hooded, Yellow-throated, and on and
Scarlet Tanager (10+), Rose-breasted Grosbeak (10+), Indigo Bunting (5+)
Also still large numbers of RCKinglets still passing through.
I will be up there for a further 5 days, checking Stecoah Gap on a daily
basis (someone has to do it!), so this warbler list should increase further.
Seems like this is one of the finest spots in the NC mountains for these
"gems" of the bird world.

Simon (feeling totally "parularized"..........what a feeling!)
PS: Want an overload of Golden-wings? There are still a couple of spaces on
the Sunday trip. Contact me on cell: 828.273.0907

Simon Thompson
Ventures Birding and Nature Tours
PO Box 1095
Skyland, NC 28776
Phone: 828.253.4247