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Huntington Beach SP and Francis Marion NF

I took a visiting California birding pal of mine
(David Armstrong) birding today at Huntington Beach
State Park and the Francis Marion National Forest. 
Despite missing the middle 2-3 hours of the day to
rain, we did OK.

There were high numbers of N. Gannets very close in at
Huntington Beach, often flying and diving between us
and shore (while we were on the Jetty).  

Highlights from Huntington Beach:

Northern Gannet (300+)
Bald Eagle (2nd year)
Wilson's Plover
Piping Plover
Purple Sandpiper (4)
Gull-billed, Royal, Least & Forster's Tern
Common Ground-Dove
Prothonotary Warbler
Cape May Warbler
Palm Warbler
Seaside Sparrow (halfway down the Jetty)
Painted Bunting (pair)
Northern and Orchard Oriole (a male of each species:
same tree, same time)

Partial Species list from Francis Marion N.F. (I'on
Swamp Rd, Willow Hall Rd, Wambaw Wilderness/Coffee
Creek Swamp, Honey Hill, etc.):

2 Barred Owls (great close views)
Common Nighthawk
Chuck-will's Widow (heard 20+, saw 7: flying, perched
on stump, pair sitting in road)
Red-cockaded Woodpecker (9)
N. Parulas
Prothonotary Warblers
Y.R. Warblers
Yellow-throated Warblers
Hooded Warblers (ludicrous views)
Prairie Warblers
Pine Warblers
Swainson's Warblers (3)
Louisiana Waterthrush (2 singing)
Kentucky Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Bachman's Sparrow (saw 4, heard lots more)
Summer Tanagers

We dipped on the territorial Worm-eating Warbler Ed
Bitch and I found last Friday in the Francis Marion. 
Perhaps it was due to the rain / afternoon search

Nathan Dias - Charleston, SC

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