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Better Look at Henslow's

This morning the Henslow's Sparrow on Butler Farm Road in Henderson County was 
singing from the same spot as yesterday, up near the ridge in a clump of 
yellow wildflowers.  This time it was hopping around more and faced me for 
quite a while and I could get a look at the bib of fine lines and a little 
better view of the color.  It's pretty far off and you need the scope on high 
power to really see it, but at least it seems to be very consistent.  Strange!
 You'd think it was on territory the way it stays in that one spot and keeps 
on singing.

There were also more Grasshopper Sparrows along that road today, some perching 
on the posts next to the road around the bend.  Oddly, none of them were 

Marilyn Westphal
Environmental Quality Institute
University of North Carolina-Asheville
One University Heights
Asheville, NC  28804