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Redstarts/SoraRail.!! et.al

had my first Redstarts of season along Bolin Creek Sat. near Bolinwood Dr. On Sun. in
Battle Park found first (for that locale)Ovenbirds, Sc. Tanager, Pewee, and GC. Flycatcher.
Then Sun. afternoon drove into workplace building and immediately found a SORA RAIL dead
on walkway(window-hit) -- how bizarre is that??? -- it's now reposing in my freezer (right
next to the veggie burgers!! : - ) if it's of use to anyone let me know, maybe Duke or the
Raleigh Museum??? and one last small oddity: 10 cormorants on the pond in Horace
Williams tract off Airport Rd. -- in 20 yrs. I've NEVER seen a cormorant on that pond; in
fact not sure I've ever seen cormorants on any non-lake-sized body of water.


**Rob Gluck....... Chapel Hill,NC....... thrush@hotmail.com

"And on the fifth day God created birds.... (days 1-4 must've been a real drag)."
-- old Leica binocular ad

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