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troubled bluebirds

Sunday afternoon my husband removed a black rat snake
from our bluebird house. 
(Please no flaming about cruelty to the snake, he was
released in the woods and there are plenty of other
food sources available to him.)

Mother bluebird was squawking overhead. 4 eggs
remained in the nest. We "snake-proofed" the box.
About 4 hours later, after much hovering and perching,
she did finally re-enter the box, and I never saw her

However, I have checked the box the last two evenings
after dark and have not found the female "at home."
The four eggs are in there alone. 
I have seen the male in the yard.

At this point, should I leave everything alone in the
box in case the unhappy couple should decide to
nest-over, or should I clean it out to provide them an
opportunity to start anew?

.....kim bruff
Perched on the Wake/Johnston County line in NC

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