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Yard birds, inexpensive binocs

Hi all,

Today, while Nidhi and I were sitting in the family room watching the news,
a bird suddenly attached itself to one of the window screens.  The little
sucker appeared stuck for a minute, and another bird was flying up and
around it in a bit of a tizzy.  When I went to try and free it, it freed
itself (it might not have ever been actually stuck, who knows) and dropped
to the ground - was a newly fledged CHIPPING SPARROW, I believe, with a very
upset parent watching its first attempts at locomotion.  Thankfully, the
grass is pretty long, so lots of good cover in the lawn right now - I'll
have to be real careful mowing this weekend.

It's a regular nursery around our deck right now.

Oh, and a pair of GREEN HERONS is roosting consistently in the trees across
the street - they nested nearby and fledged at least two (very, very, very
noisy) young, hoping we'll see more of the same this year.

At Mason Farm this AM, YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOOS seemed to have returned in good

On the binos front, I have a pair of Swift Ultralites as a pocket/glove
compartment pair - they're a pretty good value for the $$$ (as are many of
the Swift binos, IMHO), and I think I may have paid in the $80 range for 'em
a few years ago.  They're 8x24s, I believe, porro-prism, fold-down eye cups,
etc.  Good basic starting/backup binocs.

Good birding,


Sandy Cash
Durham, NC

"The time for change is here and here we are, we're just for you!" -