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Re: bird ID


I could open only one image (#13), however even on this picture you can see yellowish sides of the base of the tail, gradually becoming darker toward center tail feathers. So, the tail is somewhat yellow, however without better view on the other pictures I am not able to discus ID of the bird.


Jim Seaman wrote:

Hello all.

I'm a bit new to this list and have one I can't readily identify, please check out: http://www.geocities.com/jseaman_nc/index.html for a few photos. You may respond directly to me or to the list.

Click on the images for a larger version of each photo.

Note the large bill, yellow rump, breast, and head - wing bars.

Female Orchard Oriole? but the tail doesn't appear to be yellow.

This bird was seen Saturday, May 3rd at Jordan Lake.


Jim Seaman

-- ************************************************ Michal Skakuj Ph.D. 4600 University Drive apt. 1312 Durham, NC 27707 phone: 919 402 9961 mobile phone: 919 599 3040