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RE: Bluebird chicks and an interloper

What state agencies kill Monk Parakeets? Why? I've seen the huge colonies in a neighborhood near the Miami airport, and they are really fun to see. But I know they're not native, so probably mess up the balance of nature. Although I guess there's a debate between people deciding that the balance of nature can never evolve and doing whatever we need to do to prohibit it, right? 

Anyway, just curious.

Mary Capers Bledsoe

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack [mailto:ppaw@sccoast.net]
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2003 11:52 AM
To: Sandy Cash; carolinabirds@duke.edu
Subject: Re: Bluebird chicks and an interloper

Hi Sandy and C'birders,
I agree entirely with Sandy.  Less we forget in central Michigan USFWS
exterminates Cowbirds to protect Kirtland's Warblers and various state
agencies eliminate Monk Parakeets.  So I believe Jenny removing a single
Cowbird egg is appropriate.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sandy Cash" <lcashjr@nc.rr.com>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: Bluebird chicks and an interloper

> At the risk of starting a rather testy dialog, my personal opinion is
> removing cowbird eggs is entirely appropriate.  I would not hesitate
to do
> such.  If you want to flame me for this, please do it privately.
> -Sandy
> -- 
> Sandy Cash
> Durham, NC
> "The time for change is here and here we are, we're just for you!" -
> Funkadelic