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Myrtle Beach S.P. on 5-8

Hi Carolinabirders,
This morning I birded at Myrtle Beach S.P. in Horry County, SC.  Not a
bad day.

Mourning Dove-3
Yellow-billed Cuckoo-1
Pileated Woodpecker-1
Great Crested Flycatcher-5
Purple Martin-2
Blue Jay-3
Fish Crow-2
Carolina Chickadee-6
Tufted Titmouse-8
Carolina Wren-6
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-1
Swainson's Thrush-1 Interesting bird fairly well seen rather dark
brown/gray, conspicous eye ring and loral streak that was completely all
white, primaries extended down to base of tail-never seen one before
without buffy yellow eye ring and loral streak.
Am. Robin-1
Gray Catbird-3
Brown Thrasher-4
Red-eyed Vireo-4
N. Parula-2
Cape May Warbler-1 heard only
Black-throated Blue Warbler-6 mostly males lots of singing-one female
Yellow-throated Warbler-1 heard only
Blackpoll Warbler-6 the most I have had here on the coast.
Black and White Warbler-3
Am. Redstart-6, 2 males rest females
Common Yellowthroat-1 male
Summer Tanager-2 heard only
N. Cardinal-6
Chipping Sparrow-1
Brown-headed Cowbird-3
House Finch-2

Interesting birding

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC