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Green River Rd.

This is for Marilyn and any other interested parties;
The land on Green River Rd. is indeed posted. It belongs to the Green River Preserve, an educational camp, but the land is leased by hunting clubs (the owner found this was the best way to keep poachers out; lease it to hunting clubs, and they actively deter poachers) who use it in the relevant seasons, and patrol it the rest of the year.
Their web site is at http://www.greenriverpreserve.com/home.html
You can talk to the director. He is very environmentally friendly, and I am sure he would love to get involved in a breeding bird survey. You can mention my name, as I worked there for two summers, though I don't know whether he will smile or swear...

Alex Netherton
The Appalachian Naturalist
Asheville, NC