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headboat birding on May 16

Hi C'birders,
Yesterday I took a ride on the headboat Capt. Bill III out of Murrells
Inlet, Georgetown, County.  A few Gannets, one Double-crested Cormorant,
a Great Black-backed Gull about 5 miles out and a few Tree Swallows and
an immature barn swallow, a dark egret, and just before the boat headed
back more than 50 miles out a small songbird landed on the boat after
trying to frantically catch up and it was my 41 offshore bird in SC -
AN OVENBIRD, took a picture too.  Unfortunately for the ovenbird we
headed west toward shore and a gust of wind took it off its perch which
was sheltered by the wheelhouse and took it out to sea where it was
flying due East.  I don't think it will make it, but there was a
freighter nearby so who knows. A first hand account of the perils of
over ocean migration by songbirds.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC