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Re: Ruddy Turnstones!

On 5/20/03 4:21 PM, "John Lindfors" <jwl127@netzero.com> wrote:

> Ruddy Turnstones, six of them! have been quietly feeding along side the
> North Lakeshore Drive at Lake Oseola for the last week

Ruddy Turnstones are amazingly rare in the mountain area of NC --- as a
matter of fact, this may only be the 3rd or 4th report from the mountains
within the last 50 years --- and the first for the spring.

5 were reported from Hooper Lane, NC on Sep 28, 1998.  Presumably, this was
an "extension" of the flock of 2 Wayne Forsythe observed at Hooper Lane on
September 21, 1998 and mentioned in a previous posting. (However, they could
have been different flocks.)

Interestingly, a Ruddy Turnstone appeared in Lenoir, NC on Sep 6, 1967 and
remained until Sep 12.  It also was reported in a parking lot and on nearby
streets!  I guess in a situation like that, a turnstone will take whatever
habitat it can find!

A quick use of Avendex's built-in analysis tool shows an interesting fact:
only 7 of the 45 "inland" NC reports of Ruddy Turnstone are from the spring.
This makes a spring mountain sighting a cause for celebration indeed!

Usual caveat: there could easily be other reports of which I am unaware.

Russ Tyndall
Wake Forest, NC