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Re: Plantersville and Punchbowl landing

> hi y'all,
> re Jack's "good bird"  (Kentucky Warbler,) this marks the third
> spring the species has been observed in that area.
> well, how 'bout that?
> now if a Black-throated Green would hang out in Horry County during the
> season...
> ;-)
> gary phillips
> conway, sc
> sunset zone 31
> "...where is the person, I ask, who, on observing this glittering fragment
> of the rainbow, would not pause, admire, and turn his mind with
> reverence..." (J.J. Audubon)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jack" <ppaw@sccoast.net>
> To: "Bill Lanham" <guylanham@aol.com>; "Dave Gustafson"
> <dbgustafson@sc.rr.com>; "carolinabirds" <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 12:26 PM
> Subject: Plantersville and Punchbowl landing
> > Hi Folks,
> > Yesterday, Paul Rogers and I joined Dave Gustafson and Bill Lanham in
> > going to the clear cuts in Plantersville, Georgetown County and
> > Punchbowl Landing Road in Horry County.  It was a cloudy day with
> > intermitant drizzle and a bit on the windy side.  Nonetheless we id'd a
> > number of birds.  Our visits were from 8:10 to about 12:30PM.  All told
> > 39 species.  One real tough bird to find on the outer coast was well
> > seen briefly by me with only flyby looks fot the others. First number
> > Plantersille and second number Punchpole
> >
> > Great Egret-0-3
> > Cattle Egret-8 while traveling
> > Canada Goose-numbers heard from Punchbowl
> > Mallard-2-0
> > Black Vulture-4-2
> > Turkey Vulture-1-2
> > Red-shouldered Hawk-0-1
> > Red-tailed Hawk-while traveling
> > Wild Turkey-8-1
> > Mourning Dove-1-0
> > Yellow billed Cuckoo-0-2 heard only
> > Chimney Swift-1-0
> > Pileated Woodpecker-0-2
> > Acadian Flycatcher-0-5 including a pair at the nest with one adult
> > feeding the other while it was incubating
> > E. Kingbird-1-0
> > Purple Martin-1-0
> > Tree Swallow-1-0
> > Am. Crow-1-0
> > Fish Crow-1-0
> > Carolina Chickadee-0-1
> > Tufted Titmouse-0-1 heard only
> > Carolina Wren-0-1
> > Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-0-2
> > Wood Thrush-1-2 heard only
> > Gray Catbird-2-0
> > N. Mockingbird-1-2
> > Brown Tharsher-1-0
> > White-eyed Vireo-0-4 heard only
> > Red-eyed Vireo-1-3 heard only
> > Pine Warbler-0-2
> > Prairie Warbler-4-1
> > Swainson's Warbler-0-3 heard only
> > KENTUCKY WARBLER-0-1 a briefly but well seen male it was following or
> > being followed by an assumed young bird (hope it was not a Cowbird)
> > Common Yellowthroat-3-0
> > Yellow-breasted Chat-5-0
> > Summer Tanager-0-3
> > N. Cardinal-1-3
> > E. Towhee-4-0
> > Chipping Sparrow-2-0 heard only
> >
> > Jack Peachey
> > Conway, SC
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >