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Caw Caw birdwalk

The following are highlights of the 3 hour Wednesday birdwalk at Charleston
County's Caw Caw park on US highway 17 south in Ravenel, SC led by Perry
Nugent at 8:30 am. A small fee is charged.  For more information click on

May 21, 2003

65 species were seen and/or heard on a nice day.  The most interesting were;
30 Anhingas, 2 Least Bitterns, 20 Wood Storks, 10 Mississippi Kites, 1
Swallow-tailed Kite, 2 Ospreys, 2 fledgling Bald Eagles, 5 Yellow-billed
Cuckoos, 1 Barred Owl, 2 Northern Flickers, 8 Eastern Bluebirds, 1 Wood
Thrush, 2 Yellow-throated Vireos, 20 Northern Parula Warblers, 2
Yellow-throated Warblers, 6 Prothonotary Warblers, 6 Summer Tanagers, 2 Blue
Grosbeaks, 5 Indigo Buntings, 10 Painted Buntings, and 3 Orchard Orioles.

Perry E. Nugent
Charleston, SC