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late migrants, nesting La waterthrushes

This past weekend on my farm in Jones county I finally
heard and saw two eastern wood pewees, a Kentucky
warbler and two waterthrushes who were extremely upset
and acting as if I were standing on their young! I
mean they were upset. Still no Swainson's this year
(nor last) --I used to have at least 4 pairs on the
place. The La WT's are new though and I know the
difference at the end of their songs! I also saw two
black and white warblers, 5 parulas and at least 20
prothonotaries--to me there is a definate dearth of RE
vireos and YT vireos this year compared to past years.
Wood duck hatches are 2 0r three young r/t the 8 to 10
I normally see. I presume this is due to the cool
temp's we have been having .The only migrant that
seems to have increased here are prairee warblers.
clancy ballenger

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