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images of Gray Kingbird, Wrightsville Beach 5/31/03

This morning (5/31/03), while visiting the south end of Wrightsville Beach,
observed a single Gray Kingbird for about 15 minutes (6:45-7:00 a.m.) as it
perched on a phone wire, hawked for insects, and preened. This I got some
distant digital photos, which are just good enough to verify the id. I
observed it quite closely with binoculars, at a range of 15 yards or so. The
bird flew off towards the ocean, and looked like it was heading north along
the coast, but it was hard to see its exact direction.

Here are images of the Gray Kingbird I saw this morning. See:
These were taken with a Nikon Coolpix 4500 camera with a 2X teleconverter
lens, giving the 35 mm equivalent, more or less, of 300 mm lens. The bird
was almost righ above me on some high utility cables. Not great photos, but
good enough to verify the identification, I think.

Patrick Coin
Durham, NC