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MOMO this week

Greetings from Morrow Mountain State Park, Albemarle, Stanly County, North Carolina.

In 1 hour of volunteer birding, and incidental notes, I observed 38 bird species in the park, from 3 PM Sunday 1 June, to 3 PM Sunday 8 June, 2003.
("HO" = heard only)

On Sunday 1 June, 6:15-6:20 AM, in the boat ramp area:
1  -  Great Blue Heron
1  -  Red-bellied Woodpecker  HO
1  -  Eastern Kingbird
1  -  American Crow  HO
1  -  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

On Sunday 1 June, 6:40 AM, near the Y intersection, added:
1  -  Black-and-white Warbler  HO

On Sunday 1 June, 7:00 AM, in the maintenance shop area, added:
1  -  Eastern Phoebe  HO

On Sunday 1 June, 7:15 AM, at the Morrow Mountain top, added:
1  -  Eastern Wood Pewee  HO

On Sunday 1 June, 10:30 PM, in the front gate area, added:
1  -  Great Horned Owl  HO

On Monday 2 June, 5:30 PM, added:
1  - Ovenbird  HO

On Sunday 2 June, 5:55-6:10 AM, added:
4  - Turkey Vulture
4  -  Northern Bobwhite  HO
1  -  Killdeer  HO
2  -  Mourning Dove  HO
3  -  Barn Swallow
1  -  Tufted Titmouse  HO
1  -  Carolina Wren  HO
2  -  Eastern Bluebird
1  -  Northern Cardinal  HO
2  -  Field Sparrow  HO
1  -  Eastern Meadowlark
1  -  Brown-headed Cowbird
1  -  American Goldfinch

On Monday 2 June, 4:25-5:05 PM, in the boatramp / boathouse area, added:
1  -  Green Heron
2  -  Chimney Swift
1  -  Ruby-throated Hummingbird  HO
1  -  Belted Kingfisher
1  -  Great Crested Flycatcher  HO
1  -  Carolina Chickadee  HO
1  -  Brown-headed Nuthatch  HO
1  -  Prothonotary Warbler  HO
2  -  Louisiana Waterthrush

On Tuesday 3 June, 8:15 AM, over the main road, near the bridle trail parking lot, added:
1 - Wild Turkey

On Tuesday 3 June, 8:20 AM, at the boathouse area, added:
1  - Fish Crow  HO

On Wednesday 4 June, 7:10 AM, at the Morrow Mountain top, added:
1  -  Wood Thrush  HO

On Wednesday 4 June, 9:15 PM, at the front gate area, added:
1  -  Whip-poor-will  HO

On Sunday 8 June, 7:25 AM, over road to Morrow Mountain top, near bridle trail intersection, added;
2 - Pileated Woodpecker
1 - Summer Tanager

Joseph Williams, <wldfr2002@hotmail.com>, MS Biology, ASU. General Utility Worker / 9-month, Morrow Mountain State Park, Division of Parks and Recreation, NC DENR.

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