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Shrike nest


Salinda Dailey and I found a shrike nest in a pine tree I use as a landmark for one of my stops on my BBS route in Wayne and Johnston Counties last Tuesday. The nest tree is very close to the county line on Raynor Mill road. Even though the nest wasless than 30 fsst from my head, I didn't see either of the adults until my 3 minute stop was almost up. Althoug we couldn't see into nest (its about 12 -14 feet off the ground) I assume their feeding youg because one of the adults flew in with an insect. If anyone wants more specific directions, I'll try to help out.

We found 68 species on the route; probably the most exceptional species was a Swainson's warbler (singing late!), heard in the swamp near the very last stop (we missed the Mississippi kites we saw last year, though). Usually, BBS routes get kind of grueling towards the end, but last Tuesday was extremely enjoyable.

Take care,

Clyde Sorenson
Clayton and Raleigh, NC