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Re: Green Heron

Those herons are nesting nearby, I suspect in the swamp amongst the
apartments on the South side of Renaissance parkway, but I haven't made any
concerted search yet.  Last year the newly fledged young spent a few days in
the trees behind my house begging up a storm.  What a great show.  I see the
birds pretty regularly (I live in a subdivision just to the South of there
off of 751).


Sandy Cash
Durham, NC

"The time for change is here and here we are, we're just for you!" -
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Amalie Lewis Tuffin" <amaliet@ix.netcom.com>
To: <carolinabirds@duke.edu>
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 8:54 PM
Subject: Green Heron

> I saw my first green heron of the season today - at Southpoint Mall in
> Durham while walking in the parking lot.  It was a beautiful flyover
> bird, and it really made me appreciate the fact that you can bird
> Amalie Tuffin
> Hillsborough, NC